A Family Tradition

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Proud members and supporters of the Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers Association and the Cranberry Institute.

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Less than 5 percent of all cranberries in the world are sold as fresh fruit.The extra care and work needed to supply a "fresh" quality berry excludes most farmers from entering this difficult market.

The Fresh Cranberry Difference

The "Crane-Berry" cultivation of the wild cranberry began about 1816 on Cape Cod. Cranberries spread elsewhere and landed in Wisconsin in 1853. The major states that grow this fruit are Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Oregon, New Jersey and into Canada.

Long before the Pilgrims arrived, the Indians combined crushed cranberries with dried deer meat and melted fat to make pemmican - a convenience food that would keep for a long time. The Indian Medicine men also brewed cranberry poultices to draw out poison from arrow wounds. The Aloquins of Wisconsin call the fruit "atoqua". Popularity grew for this tangy berry. As the Pilgrims began to settle and thrive, cranberries became a staple in their lives.

Our company has been growing fresh cranberries since our inception in 1907. Four generations later, you can still count on us to deliver the best and highest quality fresh cranberries on the market.

Health Benefits

Cranberries are not just a pretty fruit
​but a nutrient powerhouse.

The cranberry is a member of the same family of plants as bilberry and blueberry, and can be taken as a juice, the whole berry, or from an extract. For maximum health benefit, cranberry juice should be unsweetened.

The active ingredients in the cranberry include chemical compounds called proanthocyanidins, which are potent antioxidants. Cranberries also contain Vitamin C and their waxy coating keeps them fresh for a long time.

Suggested health benefits from cranberries:

  • Urinary Tract Infections - Many people take cranberry supplements to prevent urinary tract infections caused by bacteria. Specifically, the proanthocyanidins found in cranberry appear to block the adhesive strands on the E. coli bacteria from sticking to a surface whereby inhibiting their ability to stick to the cell walls of the uterus and bladder.
  • Reduction of Dental Plaque - It is believed that cranberry juice can inhibit the aggregation of bacteria that cause dental plaque.
  • Anti-Cancer Activity - Based on evaluation of several vitro screening tests, it has been suggested that the proanthocyanidin compounds found in cranberry may exhibit some anti-carcinogenic activity.
  • Heart Disease - Cranberry extract has been shown to inhibit low density lipoprotein oxidation. Since this process is believed to be part of what can cause heart disease, prevention of oxidation through cranberry supplementation can potentially reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Kidney Stones - Some medical professionals and specialists believe that quinic acid abundant in cranberry may help to prevent the development of kidney stones.

Visit The Cranberry Institute for more information on the health benefits of cranberries.

For Over 100 Years

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